The difference between a good website and a great one can lie in the implementation of just a few key features. To give your online business the greatest chance of success, UK Web Host Review put together the below infographic containing 25 features that will be vital to your success in 2017.

As you can see, they cover the simple items such as an easy domain name, logo and tagline. The key to unlocking the potential of your website will most likely lie in the other, more specific features. For example, what type of CAPTCHA or anti-spam feature does your website use? An older, word or image recognition CAPTCHA might be significantly slowing down the speed at which your customers can contact you. Try updating to the more modern ‘I am not a robot’ checkbox to reduce customer frustrations.
For more great ideas on how you can improve your website, call the experts here at Salt & Fuessel or send us an enquiry by clicking here!